Thyroid Marker Brochure (Rev0.0)_2023.07
It`s The ABSOL POCT for Thyroid Bio-Marker.
We have TSH and Free T4 that can be quantified test in 5Min.
And we test TSH & Free T4 with one Cartridge same times
if you have any questions, please contact us.
our email:
- THYROID Brochure Rev0.0_2023.07.pdf (3.9M) 58회 다운로드 | DATE : 2023-07-19 16:01:35
- PREVMetabolism Brochure (Rev0.0)_2023.07 23.07.19
- NEXTUROLOGY Brochure (Rev0.0)_2023.07 23.07.19